Understanding Inbound Marketing

Understanding Inbound Marketing

 The good folks at www.infographicdesignteam.com have put together a  graphic that makes it a tad bit easier to understand . Inbound Marketing is about useful content. Inbound Marketing is user-initiated, which means that your user/reader is willing to share their contact details with you to be in touch and be informed when you produce new content. It is then up to us marketers to curate this relationship over time to inform, educate and engage with this audience to convert them to a lead or a sale. 

It is a pull strategy that gets your brand the customer attention that is qualified and curated. This, in turn, returns better ROI on advertising and marketing budgets. A good inbound marketing strategy focuses on how can the brand be useful to its target audience. The audience returns this by putting their trust in the brand and finally by becoming a long term customer who has a high Lifetime Customer Value (LCV).

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The good folks at www.infographicdesignteam.com shared this graphic describing what is inbound marketing. https://www.infographicdesignteam.com/blog/a-basic-guide-on-inbound-marketing-infographic/