Web design trends this year

Web design trends this year

A dazzling number of websites are created on the World Wide Web within every hour, and each of them is either inspired by the old and traditional, or new and trendy designs. Some of the trends we will list in the text below are already pushing the industry forward!

Are you ready?

A great way to keep up with current website trends is to know how to work with depth and shadows.

Playing with shadows is nothing new, but the improvements and progress of browsers are allowing designers to step their shading game up. Multiple grids and parallax layouts grant totally different playing field when it comes to creating the illusion of a world behind the screen.

A powerful tool of any modern web is to have pictures and even moving pictures or illustrations on your website! Particle backgrounds are an excellent way of snatching your user’s attention and leave a memorable impression within seconds.

More web design trends in the video.